Friday 30 November 2012

That was a close call!

It's been a strange few weeks.  I was beginning to wonder why The Company had asked me to go to Mars. How much use could I be to an elite team being sent on such a mission?  I guess I've now found out!  In fact it's a good thing I was there!

Ambush by two armed hoppers, I'm amazed that we managed to survive, although I'm not so sure our ride could have taken much more.  I don't like risking the lives of my crew, but flying full speed through the Valles Marineris was the only we could get the upper hand.  Judging by their outcome it looks it was the right idea too as we wouldn't have out run their guns.  The thing that worried most about all of this wasn't how close to death we were but how much I enjoyed it!

Friday 23 November 2012

Why can't they just let it drop?

Why can't they just let it drop? They have what they want. I've lost everything and have had to start over from scratch. My family murdered, my home stolen from me, I can't even go back anywhere nearby without constantly looking over my shoulder and now this!

They come to my friends, people that are a second family to me. I really hate the idea that they are being put at risk. I don't even understand it, can they not take any more from me?

By stirring all of this up all they will achieve is rousing up the past in me, reminding me that one day I shall reclaim what is rightfully mine.

So keep digging, and perhaps we'll meet again. Make no mistakes though, it might be the last time you see anyone again.